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The development direction of carton machinery handling machine
post time: 2013-5-9 | hits: 4288 |
The development of socialist commodity economy, increasing the number of export goods,packaging industry as an independent industry system, in our country has been formed by the. The requirements of the development of packaging industry packaging machineryindustry with advanced production equipment. Carton packaging in the packaging industryoccupies an important position. In order to meet the needs of the packaging industry,accelerate the development of carton industry, carton machinery industry in China at the present stage, the majority of small and medium-sized carton factory using semi mechanizedprocedures stand-alone must be updated, in order to improve the quality of carton packaging, to catch up with the advanced world level target.
Since the eighty's, with the reform and opening up, all introduced some single -, double watts,three watts of corrugated cardboard production line. China has successfully developed asingle tile, double corrugated corrugated board production line but these equipmentproduction capacity too, the price is high, investment is large, for our country the majority of small and medium-sized carton manufacturer, is unable to carry out technical transformationof such. On the other hand, small and medium-sized carton factory product variety, small quantity, large production line is not suitable for production need so, mechanical handlingmachine, semi mechanized type will exist for quite a long time in the carton production. So,what are the directions of the procedures of single? Need is now in recent years carton production, improvement of comprehensive user of the original equipment, I personally think that the procedures should be standardized, machine series, set three aspects of development platform.
One, standardization
According to the information, our production procedures single carton machinery factory enterprises have dozens of. These manufacturers are mostly small and medium enterprises.Due to the management problems, they smile different administrative departments, there is no unified organization of the factory's products are designed, since the standards, theirnumber, with specifications. The same model with the specifications of products, parts sizenot words, different standards, has caused great inconvenience to the user. So thestandardization of procedures as one of the prominent problems of carton machinery manufacturing and use of. The corrugating machine rhyme corrugated roller as an example,the same width, the same type of rhyme machine, corrugated roller diameter, modulus,corrugated tooth height, the carton board thickness is different. In 1986 the state promulgated the corrugated board, carton machinery and so we need to formulate a unifiedstandard rhyme corrugating teeth, to solve the problem, the processing of corrugated rollertype tool and measuring problems, eventually realize corrugated toothed unified standardother single have the same problem, needs to develop a unified standard shad national standards or, in order to change the backward situation of China's carton machinerymanufacturing, catch up with and surpass the advanced world levels. Standardizedprocedures single is a direction of carton machinery production and development in.
Two, series
Over the years, the carton machinery production, the factory production productspecifications be, since the size of pump, not bad a. The corrugating machine as an example,some processing corrugated paper width in inches, some are in millimeters. Is in mm, 1420mm, 1520 mm, 1600 mm, 1750 mm, 1800 mm, 2000 mm, 2200 mm size. Cause a lot of trouble to the user's choice, the use of repair. Series of supporting more impossible makingprocedures the single machine Science Series size, convenient design, carton machinerymanufacturers material and reasonable timber, and convenient use, users select repairfacilities. This series is an important problem to be solved through single.